
I’ve worked in disaster preparedness for 15+ years and I look forward to sharing my experience and learning from you!  Before we go any further, I have a confession to make:  even though I have shared my preparedness message with media outlets throughout the state and across the country over the years, I only recently created my disaster preparedness kit for my family.  Now that we have THAT out of the way, I plan to do everything I can to help you not make the same mistakes I made.  I was extremely lucky (and am eternally grateful) that nothing happened to put myself or my family in danger while we were unprepared.

My Scottish Terrier, MacKenzie, is just one of my reasons for creating PetPreppers.
My Scottish Terrier, MacKenzie, is just one of my reasons for creating PetPreppers.

My blog is not meant to create fear (Enter Chicken Little: “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!”), instead I want to help create awareness and understanding.  Being proactive instead of reactive before, during and after an emergency is the key to ensuring that you and your entire family stays safe in your time of need.

I hope you’ll enjoy the journey and please feel free to share any tips you may have…

Happy Prepping!



  1. Hi!

    I’m a big prepper, – for the pets and people in the home -, but, about half of it is mentally, rather than physically done. I am working on it though! Plans are in place, still working on supplies. So glad someone is taking on the necessity of preparing for our pets!


    1. Hi Jane, I know what you mean…it’s always easier said than done or to think “nothing like that will ever happen around here”. When you take it one step at a time, I find that it seems much more manageable. Thanks for reading and please feel free to reach out with any questions and/or suggestions you may have!


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